Mr. Amit Agarwal

Message from Our Founder
I come from a business family. My Grandfather had started CTM Textile Mills and The Patel Mills Co Ltd. in Ahmedabad which is still a renowned name in the textile industry. I decided to venture into the field of technical textile and founded CTM Technical Textiles Ltd. in 2006. I could foresee technical textile as a sunrise industry in the whole of textile value chain.
Recollecting the early journey, through its struggles and milestones, we learn from the experience that When you start from scratch, you have to go through a lot of processes like land, machines, investments, bankers, customers, etc. It doesn’t happen overnight and at the initial stage the progress is slow but we need to keep patience and eventually we will attain a steady growth.
But for us the odds were in our favor. When we started in 2007, the investments in agro textiles and commercial netting gave us good growth and in just 4 years we doubled our capacity. One who is moving up the ladder will always have to face challenges. The challenge for our company came in 2011 when we witnessed heavy competition in this business due to low entry barrier. We took strategic moves and decided to diversify into different sector of technical textile. This is where we started a new division of technical textile – CTM Geosynthetics.
The growth of company can also be seen with respect to its capital investment. We started with a building, spanning about 15,000 sq. ft. We have invested continuously and expanded capacity. Today the built up space is about 75,000 sq. ft. The company has grown tremendously in the Indian market as well as started expanding and penetrating in the International markets specifically for the Geosynthetics and Agro textiles product.
I am also glad and honoured to lead the Indian Technical Textile Association (ITTA) as its Chairman.